How to transfer to latest Moneyspire version from previous versions

Generally, Moneyspire will automatically transfer your preferences and data files over to the new version automatically. Once you launch the new version you will be presented with the Welcome screen - from there just select to open an existing file or to sign in to Moneyspire cloud and you should be all set. Under some circumstances you may have to move your data and preferences over manually.

If you need to manually move over your data:

  1. Open your old version of Moneyspire and click the File > Backup menu option and save a backup of your data to the Desktop.
  2. Open your new version of Moneyspire and in the Welcome window click the Restore Backup button and restore the backup file from the Desktop.

Note: If you already use Moneyspire Cloud to store and share your data between devices, you don't have to manually move anything: just open your new version of Moneyspire and in the Welcome window click the Open an existing file button and then click the Moneyspire Cloud button.

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